It Had To Happen — Karma on Zoom
Classes run by Sheela Gunjur Wednesdays in July

The Science of Yoga
An Introduction to the Yoga-sūtras of Patañjali by Pedro Oliveira

Radha Burnier on the Theosophical Society
From Human Regeneration (1990)
The Secret Doctrine
Resource Module compiled by Pedro Oliveira
Our Hours
Lodge and Office Tues-Fri 9.30am to 5.30pm
Ph: (03) 8638 9007
Email: info@melbournetheosophy.org
Entry to our meetings is by donation, activity leaders are all volunteers
Library Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 11 am to 3 pm
Ph: (03) 8636 0363
Email: library@melbournetheosophy.org
Mon-Fri 10am to 5pm; Saturday 11am to 4pm
Ph: (03) 8638 9007 or 0455 048
Email: enquiries@tsbookshop.com.au
Website: https://tsbookshop.com.au/
Theosophical Order of Service
Melbourne Lodge actively supports the TOS, an independent organisation founded by Annie Besant in 1908 to provide a framework for creative, practical, and humanitarian action in a theosophical spirit.
Call (03)9650 2112 for more info
Mornington Peninsula Group
Meets at Mount Eliza Neighbourhood House Canadian Bay Rd. First Sunday of the month