The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Melbourne Lodge

The Secret of Evolution

Public talk, 1.30 - 4.00 pm, 24 August 2019.

Featured Speaker:Pedro Oliveira
Venue:Melbourne Lodge

The word ‘Evolution’ means change
Science tells us that life forms evolve by adapting to the surrounding environment. In this view, survival is of paramount importance. A Theosophical view, while not denying science’s assertions, suggests that evolution is a vast process of unfoldment of consciousness.
This presentation will explore the purpose and the means of such an unfoldment.

Giving the talk is Pedro Oliveira a member for over 40 years and holding a degree in Philosophy.  He is former International Secretary and Head of the Editorial Office at the international Headquarters and has served as President of the Indo-Pacific Federation. He is the current Education Coordinator of the TS in Australia and has lectured widely for the Society in Australia and in many countries as well having written and published many articles and books with the TS.


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