Open up your mind with this eclectic collection.
The following reading list attempts to achieve a balance between the older classical books and modern expositions:
- Bohm, D. and M. Edwards Changing Consciousness: Exploring the Hidden Source of the Social, Political, and Environmental Crises Facing Our World (Harper San Francisco 1991)
- Broomfield, J. Other Ways of Knowing: Recharting our Future with Ageless Wisdom (Inner Traditions 1997).
- Brunton, Paul What Is Philosophy? Volume 13 of The Notebooks of Paul Brunton (Larson 1984-1986)
- Deussen, Paul The Elements of Metaphysics (Macmillan and Co.1894)
- Deussen, Paul The Philosophy of the Upanishads (Motilal Banarsidass 1919/2000)
- Griffin, D. R. (Ed.) Spirituality and Society (SUNY Press 1988)
- Guenon, R. The Crisis Of The Modern World (Luzac and Company Ltd.1975)
- Heard, Gerald (Ed.) Vedanta For The Western World (Unwin Books 1948/1975)
- Huxley, Aldous The Perennial Philosophy (Harper 1945)
- James, William The Principles of Psychology (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 1891/1952)
- Kingsley, Peter Reality (The Golden Sufi Center 2003)
- Krishnamurti, Jiddu The Awakening Of Intelligence (Victor Gollancz 1986)
- Krishnamurti, Jiddu Freedom from the Known (1969/2004)
- Krishnamurti, Jiddu and David Bohm The Ending of Time (Harper & Row 1985)
- Lovejoy, Arthur O. The Reason the Understanding and Time (Johns Hopkins Press 1961)
- Maharaj, S. Nisagadatta I Am That — Part One (1973/1981)
- Ramana Maharshi Day By Day With Bhagavan (1968/77)
- Ramana Maharshi Who Am I? (Sri Ramanasramam Tiruvanamalai)
- Mehta, Phiroz Holistic Consciousness (Element Books 1989)
- Plato The Republic (Penguin 1955/1987)
- Plato Phaedrus and Letters Seven and Eight (Penguin 1973)
- Plotinus Select Works Of Plotinus — Thomas Taylor’s Translation (G. Bell and Sons, Ltd.1895/1929)
- Quinn Jr., William W. The Only Tradition (SUNY Press 1997)
- Schelling, F. W. J. Bruno or On the Natural and the Divine Principle of Things (SUNY Press 1802/1984)
- Schuon, Frithjof Light On The Ancient Worlds (Perennial Books 1965)
- Schuon, Frithjof Esoterism as Principle and as Way (Perennial Books Ltd. 1981)
- Smith, Huston Forgotten Truth: The Primordial Tradition (Harper and Row 1976)
- Taimni, I. K. The Ultimate Reality and Realization (TPH 1976/1985)
- Thurman, Robert A.F. Infinite Life: Seven Virtues for Living Well (Souvenir 2006)
- Wetlesen, J. The Sage and The Way: Spinoza’s Ethics Of Freedom (Van Gorcum 1979)
- Wilber, Ken Spectrum of Consciousness (TPH 1977/1993)
- Wilber, Ken The Integral Vision (Shambhala 2007)
- Wilder, Alexander New Platonism and Alchemy: A Sketch of the Doctrines and Principal Teachers of the Eclectic or Alexandrian School; also An Outline of the Interior Doctrines of the Alchemists of the Middle Ages (Wizards Bookshelf 1869/1975)